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~ Princess Cruises ~

Introduction, definitions & governing law

Upon booking the Cruise, each Guest named on the booking confirmation/statement explicitly agrees to the terms of this Passage Contract. Any Guest booking or purchasing the Cruise represents that they are authorized by all accompanying Guests to accept and agree to all the terms and conditions set forth herein.

You acknowledge and agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the resolution of any and all disputes between Carrier and any Guest shall be governed exclusively and in every respect by the general maritime law of the United States without regard to its choice of law principles, except (1) in cases involving death arising outside the United States, which shall be governed exclusively by the Death on the High Seas Act, 46 U.S.C. § 30301, et seq. and (2) You, the Carrier, and any third party beneficiaries of this Passage Contract shall be severally liable and not jointly for any breaches of this Passage Contract and for any acts or omissions that occur during the “Cruise” (as defined below).  To the extent such maritime law is not applicable, the laws of the State of California (U.S.A.) shall govern the contract, as well as any other claims or disputes arising out of that relationship.  You agree this choice of law provision replaces, supersedes and preempts any provision of law of any state or nation to the contrary.

This Passage Contract constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between You and Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd., the operator of the vessel ("Carrier") unless the cruise is a time charter operated by Carnival plc (in which case Carnival plc is the Carrier), and supersedes any other prior oral, implied, written or other representations or agreements between You and Carrier, except that in the event of a direct conflict between a provision of this Passage Contract and a provision of the Cruise Industry Passenger Bill of Rights (PBOR) in effect at the time of booking, the PBOR controls. This Passage Contract governs the relationship between You and Carrier, whether the Cruise is purchased by You or on Your behalf and can only be modified by a subsequent writing signed by Carrier. You may not sell, assign or transfer Your booking or this Passage Contract. Any portion or provision of this Passage Contract that is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable shall be ineffective only to the extent of such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability and, except as noted in Section 17(B)(ii) below, shall be severed from this Contract without affecting in any way the remaining provisions of the Passage Contract which shall remain in full force and effect. In addition, in the event of a conflict between the Carrier’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) policies and procedures (hereinafter “COVID-19 Guest Protocols”) as described in Section 6, below, and as described on the Carrier’s website, the policies and procedures on the website control.

You and Carrier agree and intend that certain third-party beneficiaries derive rights and exemptions from liability as a result of this Passage Contract. Specifically, all of Carrier’s rights, exemptions from liability, defenses and immunities under this Passage Contract (including, but not limited to, those described in Sections 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, and 17) will also inure to the benefit of the following persons and entities who shall be considered “Carrier” only for purposes of such rights, exemptions from liability, defenses and immunities: Carrier’s employees, agents, Alaska Railroad Corporation, the vessel named on the booking confirmation/statement (or any substituted vessel), the vessel’s tenders, the vessel's owners, operators, managers, charterers, and agents, any affiliated or related companies thereof and their officers, crew members, pilots, agents or employees, and all concessionaires, independent contractors, physician and medical personnel, retail shop personnel, health and beauty staff, fitness staff, shore excursion providers, tour operators, shipbuilders and manufacturers of all component parts, launches, appurtenances, craft or facilities, whether provided at sea or on shore, belonging to any such vessel or owned or operated by its owners, operators, managers, agents, charterers, contractors or concessionaires.  Guests participating in the Ocean Medallion Class® Program are subject to the additional terms and conditions, which are incorporated herein by reference. 

"You," "Your" and "Guest" mean the person(s) booking or purchasing the Cruise or named on the booking confirmation/statement and persons in their care, including any minor, and their heirs, relatives, successors in interest, traveling companions, and personal representatives.

"Cruise" means the scheduled voyage as published in the booking confirmation/statement issued in connection with this Passage Contract, as may be amended pursuant to this Passage Contract, from the port of embarkation to the port of disembarkation, and also includes any air, rail, road or sea transport and any land accommodation components of any land-sea package sold, taken with or included in the price of the Cruise, and any activities, shore excursions, tours, or shoreside facilities related to or offered during the Cruise.

"Cruise Fare" means the amount payable by You to Carrier for the Cruise, scheduled meals, accommodations while on board, air programs, and/or other travel components added to Your Cruise Fare and charged to Your stateroom account and/or credit card. The Cruise Fare does not include beer, wine, spirits, sodas or other bottled or specialty beverages, the discretionary Crew Incentive for Your Cruise, or required Service Charges on optional purchases as further explained below, travel protection purchased through the booking process, or charges for other incidental items, activities, excursions, transportation, or personal services during or in connection with the Cruise; or any Taxes, Fees, Port Expenses, airline or other carriers' services or baggage fees, for which a separate charge may be imposed.  Your Cruise Fare can also include packaged fares where items are not added as a separate purchase. 

“Crew Incentive” and “Service Charges”: A Crew Incentive will be automatically added to Your onboard account for Your convenience, to recognize the efforts of a wide variety of crew members in various departments who interact directly with Guests and/or behind the scenes throughout every cruise, including those in the Dining, Entertainment, Guest Services, and Galley areas. The amount of the Crew Incentive is based on Your stateroom category. The Crew Incentive is subject to adjustment at Your discretion, except as otherwise provided in the Crew Incentive and Service Charge Policy. A Service Charge will be automatically added to optional purchases of beverage packages, drinks, dining room and specialty dining, onboard parties, and other services or amenities provided to Guests that are not included in the Cruise Fare. The Crew Incentive and Service Charge payments on all vessels in our fleet are pooled and distributed in the form of compensation, including bonuses. For further details,  please review our Crew Incentive and Service Charge Policy, which can be found on the Carrier’s website.

"Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses" as used by Carrier, may include any and all fees, charges, tolls and taxes imposed on the Carrier by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities, as well third-party fees and charges arising from a vessel's presence in a harbor or port. Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses may include U.S. Customs fees, head taxes, Panama Canal tolls, dockage fees, wharfage fees, inspection fees, pilotage, air taxes, hotel or VAT taxes incurred as part of a land tour, immigration and naturalization fees, and Internal Revenue Service fees, as well as fees for navigation, berthing, stevedoring, baggage handling/storage and security services. Taxes, Fees, & Port Expenses may be assessed per guest, per berth, per ton or per vessel. Assessments calculated on a per ton or per vessel basis will be spread over the number of guests on the vessel. Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses are subject to change and Carrier reserves the right to collect any increases in effect at the time of sailing even if the fare has already been paid in full.

Guest's obligations

1. Before You board the vessel, You must
a. Pay Your Cruise Fare.
b. Familiarize yourself with the terms of the Passage Contract.
c. Bring all necessary travel documents such as passports, visas, proof of citizenship, re-entry permits, minor's permissions, medical certificates showing all necessary vaccinations, and all other documents necessary for ports of call in the countries to which You will travel.

It is the Guest's sole responsibility to obtain and have available when necessary the appropriate valid travel documents. All Guests are advised to check with their travel advisor or the appropriate government authority to determine the necessary documents. You will be refused boarding or disembarked without recourse or liability for refund, payment, compensation, or credit of any kind if You do not have proper documentation, and You will be subject to any fine or other costs incurred by Carrier which result from improper documentation or noncompliance with applicable regulations, which amount may be charged to Your stateroom account and/or credit card.


When minors are traveling with only one adult 21 years of age or older, Carrier requires that all guests must be in possession of a valid passport. Carrier has implemented this requirement so that Your party remains together should an emergency arise that requires one or more in Your party to be disembarked in a non-U.S. port. Carrier cannot guarantee that all members of Your party will be allowed to disembark with only a WHTI-compliant document or birth certificate.

d. Arrive at least two hours before the scheduled or amended sailing time and have with You all required documentation. Attach a completed Carrier luggage tag to each piece of baggage.
e. Be sure that You and any person in Your care are fit to take the Cruise. (See Sections 6 and 9, below).

2. Upon boarding the vessel, You must register a valid credit card or other acceptable payment method at the Guest Services Desk to cover any charges to Your stateroom account.

3. Prior to disembarking the vessel, You must pay in full all amounts charged to Your stateroom account.

Carrier shall not be liable for refund, payment, compensation or credit of any kind, nor damages resulting from Your failure to comply with any of the requirements set forth above.

Notice concerning safety & security

Carrier visits many ports in numerous countries around the world. At any given moment there are likely to be "trouble spots" in the world in terms of war, terrorism, crime, Acts of God, civil commotions, labor trouble, and/or other potential sources of harm. Local conditions and infrastructure may also create hazards to Guests while off the vessel. Accordingly, it may be necessary to change, cancel or terminate the scheduled cruise or any activities related to the cruise, including without limitation shore excursions and port visits. Although Carrier endeavors to provide reasonable protection for Your comfort and safety on board its vessels, motorcoaches, dayboats and/or railcars owned or operated by us, Carrier cannot guarantee freedom from all risks associated with war, terrorism, crime or other potential sources of harm. Carrier reminds all Guests that they must ultimately assume responsibility for their actions while ashore. The United States Department of State and other similar government agencies regularly issue advisories and warnings to travelers giving details of local conditions in specified cities and countries according to such agency's perception of risks to travelers. Carrier strongly recommends that Guests and their travel advisors obtain and consider such information when making travel decisions.  Although unlikely, the vessel may be confronted by actual or threatened war, warlike operations or hostilities. Carrier has the absolute right and sole discretion to respond to safety concerns of any kind including, but not limited to, sailing with or without lights, deviating from customary practices or rules and regulations concerning navigation, cargo or other matters in time of peace, or sailing armed or unarmed and with or without convoy.

There are risks inherent to being aboard the vessel and other means of transportation. These include, by way of example, having to evacuate the vessel or other means of transportation in case of emergency, having to move about on the vessel or other vessels during rough seas and lack of access to full medical services. For people who are ill or who have a mental or physical disability or impairment, these risks are more significant. For example: access to all parts of the vessel, other means of transportation or to facilities on shore may be difficult or impossible for some guests. In addition, medical evacuations during the Cruise, whether at sea, by tender, or by deviating from the scheduled itinerary, may create an increased risk of harm and may not be feasible for a variety of reasons. Carrier reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion exercised in good faith, whether and when a medical evacuation of any guest from the vessel will occur.

Right to refuse booking & passage, cancel reservation; confine you to your stateroom or disembark you

Carrier reserves the right to refuse booking of passage on a Cruise to any person or to cancel Your existing Cruise reservation for any lawful reason and regardless of a guest’s Captain Circle loyalty level or existing benefits. Any person(s) refused booking or passage in advance of the scheduled sailing by Carrier will be given a refund of their Cruise Fare. Captain Circle points have no cash value and therefore are not redeemable for cash. Carrier may without liability for refund, payment, compensation or credit, except as provided herein, disembark or refuse to embark You, confine You in a stateroom, quarantine You, restrain You, change Your accommodations or disembark You at any time if, in the sole opinion of Carrier, the Captain or any doctor, You or any minor or other person in Your care during the Cruise are unfit for any reason for the Cruise, or Your presence might be detrimental to Your health, comfort or safety or that of any other person, or in the judgment of the Captain is advisable for any reason. Carrier reserves the right to request a letter from Your physician attesting to Your fitness to travel, but by requesting such letter does not waive its right to disembark or refuse to embark You as set forth in this Section. Except as otherwise provided, if You are required to remain on board the vessel or elsewhere, due to injury, illness, or disability, or due to action of any government or authority, or for any other reason not the fault of Carrier, You must pay or reimburse Carrier for all resulting costs and expenses including for food, transportation, accommodation, medical and/or repatriation services for You and/or those accompanying You. If You become unfit to travel for any reason during the Cruise and/or You disembark early, or if You are refused passage, or Your reservation is cancelled if You book a cruise after Carrier has advised You that You are no longer allowed to sail, Carrier shall not be liable for any refund, payment, compensation, or credit of any kind. Section 6, below, specifies risks associated with COVID-19, including denied boarding conditions and conditions for disembarkation, and Section 6 shall supersede this Section 4 to the extent of any conflict.

Eligibility requirements; drinking, tobacco, gaming, alcoholic beverages

The minimum Guest age to sail is 6 months at the time of embarkation in order to sail.  On all other cruises where there are more than 2 consecutive sea days, the minimum Guest age is 12 months at the time of embarkation in order to sail. No Guest under 21 years of age is permitted to book a cruise, and any Guest under 21 years of age must travel in a stateroom with a Guest 21 years or older who shall assume responsibility for their care during the cruise. For family groups booking multiple staterooms, the minimum age for at least one person in each stateroom is 16 years of age, provided they are traveling with a parent or legal guardian. We are unable to accept group reservations for student or youth groups that do not conform to our minimum age requirements. Each Guest agrees and warrants that he/she will supervise any Guest in his/her care at all times to ensure all policies, along with all other rules of the Carrier and vessel, are strictly adhered to by all Guests under their supervision.

No Guest under the age of 21 may purchase, possess or consume alcohol on board during the Cruise. No Guest under the age of 18 shall be permitted to engage in any gaming activities on board any vessel or to purchase cigarettes or tobacco products. On some sailings the minimum age for alcohol is under 21 and each Guest agrees to abide by whatever alcohol age restriction is in place on the vessel during the Guest’s cruise. Indoor areas on board the vessels are non-smoking and smoking is only permitted in designated sections. Outdoor smoking areas are clearly posted throughout the vessel. Smoking is prohibited in Guest staterooms and on balconies. Violations to the onboard smoking policy will result in a $250 cleaning fee for each occurrence, which will be charged to Your stateroom account. Repeated violations may result in You being disembarked prior to the end of the Cruise without any refund and at Your cost. The use of electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems is allowed within the confines of the Guest's stateroom (balcony not included) and within designated smoking areas only.

Guests agree not to bring alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages on board for consumption or for any other use except as follows:

  • For Guests of legal drinking age, an allowance of one (1) bottle of wine or champagne (750 mL in volume or less) per Guest per Voyage may be presented to security during embarkation. A US $20.00 corkage fee will be charged should Guests wish to consumer their wine or champagne in the ship’s public areas.
  • A US $20.00 corkage fee (which is subject to change without notice) will apply to each additional bottle (750 mL in volume or less) beyond the one-bottle per Guest per Voyage allowance. Limitations apply, and wine brought in quantities deemed to be excessive by the vessel or security will be refused.
  • Guests are also prohibited from bringing water, sodas and other non-alcoholic beverages on board that are packaged in bottles. A small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, juice, milk) packaged in cans or cartons may be brought on board on embarkation day, only if carried on in Guests’ hand luggage (not in checked luggage). A small quantity is considered a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12 ounces each or less per person.  Guests will be asked to discard open beverages in plastic containers prior to boarding.

All checked and carry-on luggage will be scanned and any prohibited items, including alcoholic/nonalcoholic beverages will be removed, confiscated, and discarded. If Your luggage is locked, the lock may be removed by security or, alternatively, the luggage will be held by security until You can be present for an inspection and any items in question further identified and/or surrendered. Carrier shall not be responsible for any loss, cost, disappointment or damage of any kind as a result of any luggage lock removal, alcoholic/nonalcoholic items, or other prohibited items removed and discarded in violation of the policy. You agree to surrender alcoholic beverages that are purchased duty free from the vessel’s gift shop, or at ports of call, to Carrier, which will be delivered to Your stateroom just prior to disembarking the voyage. Any wine or champagne supplied by the Carrier to You are not subject to a corkage fee. Purified or distilled water in factory-sealed containers (including plastic containers) for use in conjunction with medical device(s) are allowed in checked luggage and must be packed with the device(s). Distilled/purified water in a factory-sealed container(s) (including plastic containers) for the reconstitution of infant formula are allowed in checked luggage for staterooms with infant bookings. Limitations apply, and allowances are subject to change without notice and remain subject to situational assessments by both security and the vessel.

Guests who will enter the 24th week of pregnancy by the last day of the Cruise agree not to book the Cruise or to board the vessel. Guests with questions about traveling on a vessel while pregnant should refer to the “Pregnancy” portion of the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Carrier's website for more information about limitations to, and requirements for, cruising while pregnant.

You further agree to abide by all age, gender or other eligibility requirements applicable to any other activities, services or facilities available during the Cruise, including but not limited to those associated with use of any spa facilities, and to ensure that You supervise the use of any such facilities by any minor in Your care. There may be age restrictions applicable to activities on the vessel and ashore, which are established for the safety and well-being of all participants. Carrier and all independent contractors, as the case may be, reserve the right to revise eligibility requirements for activities during the Cruise or ashore for safety or other lawful reasons from time to time, and with which each Guest agrees to comply.

Public health & Covid-19 practises & procedures; understanding & acceptance of risks

  2. The Carrier has adopted specific COVID-19 Guest Protocols with input from medical, science and public health experts and guidance from international, national, and regional health authorities, including CDC and local health agencies when the vessel is within that agency’s jurisdiction.  You acknowledge that these directives may change from time-to-time and that the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols may therefore change.  YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO COMPLY NOT ONLY WITH THE COVID-19 GUEST PROTOCOLS AS THEY ARE DESCRIBED HEREIN, BUT ALSO AS THEY ARE SET FORTH IN MATERIALS DISTRIBUTED BY CARRIER AND ON THE CARRIER’S WEBSITE , AT ALL TIMES INCLUDING PRE-EMBARKATION, WHILE ON BOARD, DURING PORT CALLS AND SHORE EXCURSIONS, AND/OR DURING FINAL DISEMBARKATION.  In case of any conflict between the COVID-19 Guest Protocols described herein or on the Carrier’s website, the website controls and Your agreement to abide by said website constitutes an integral part of this Passage Contract.
  3. You acknowledge that the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols may or will include (but are not be limited to): (1) completion of an accurate, truthful and complete health questionnaire in a form and containing any health or travel-related questions as determined by the Carrier in its sole discretion based on advice from cognizant government or health authorities or medical experts for each Guest prior to boarding; (2) pre-embarkation and/or periodic testing and temperature checks of each Guest followed by a period of isolation until test results are available; (3) technology-enabled contact tracing via wearable device technology; (4) modified capacity rules for activities (including, but not limited to, restaurants, gyms, and entertainment events on board and for shore excursions) which may limit  or eliminate the ability of Guest to participate in particular activities; (5) mandatory use by each Guest (except for children under the age of 2 years) of face masks in most locations outside of the Guest’s stateroom while on board, during embarkation, disembarkation and shore excursions; (6) mandatory physical distancing of Guests outside of their cruise companions (family and/or immediate travel group) at any/all times while on board and during embarkation, disembarkation, and shore excursions; (7) additional restrictions during shore excursions depending on local conditions including, but not limited to, denial of disembarkation at destination(s) unless participating in only shore excursions sold through the Carrier and denial of reboarding vessel for any noncompliance by Guest or members of Guest’s traveling party with the COVID-19 Guest Protocols; (8) mandatory hand-sanitizing by Guest(s) upon entry or exit of any public areas; (9) confinement of Guest to staterooms, quarantine or emergency disembarkation of Guest if, in the Carrier’s sole discretion, such steps are necessary to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19; (10) the required completion by Guest in a timely manner of any written authorizations or consent forms required for the Carrier to carry out its COVID-19 Guest Protocols (including but not limited to medical information, medical privacy, or personal data privacy consent forms); (11) on specified itineraries, vaccination of guests with documentary proof satisfactory to Carrier, according to the criteria set forth in the COVID-19 Guest Protocols in effect at the time of sailing; and (12) other policies and procedures deemed by the Carrier in its sole discretion to be necessary to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19.
  4. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein or in the Carrier’s cancellation and refund policies (see Section 7, below), any noncompliance by You or Your traveling companions with the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols, or this Passage Contract, shall be grounds for refusal to board, refusal to re-board after going ashore, quarantine on board the Vessel, disembarkation, reporting to governmental or health authorities, or other steps deemed necessary in the Carrier’s sole discretion under the circumstances to protect the health and well-being of others.  Under these circumstances, You shall not be entitled to a refund or compensation of any kind. You will be responsible for all related costs and fines, including without limitation travel expenses and for proper travel documentation for any port, or for departure from or arrival to the United States or the Guest’s country of residence.  Under no circumstances shall the Carrier be liable for any costs, damages or expenses whatsoever incurred by any Guest as a result of such denial of boarding, refusal to re-board, quarantine, disembarkation, or other steps taken by the Carrier.
  5. You agree that if at any time within fourteen (14) days prior to embarkation, You test positive for COVID-19, exhibit signs or symptoms of COVID-19, have had close contact with a person confirmed or suspected as having COVID-19, or the Carrier otherwise determines, in its sole discretion, that You are unfit to board because of any communicable illness, the Carrier will deny boarding to You as well as Your traveling companions.  Under these circumstances, unless the Carrier determines that the Guest has failed to comply with the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols or this Passage Contract, any Guest denied boarding will be entitled to a future cruise credit equal in value to the amount Guest paid to the Carrier, subject to Guest providing verification satisfactory to the Carrier of results of tests administered by providers other than those retained by the Carrier.  For further details, refer to the Carrier’s Refund and Cancellation Policy for COVID-19 located on its website. Under no circumstances shall the Carrier have any other liability for any compensation or other damages whatsoever including, but not limited to, compensation for consequential lodging or travel.
  6. You further understand and agree that if, after boarding, and even if You have fully complied with all Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols, You test positive for COVID-19 or exhibit signs or symptoms of COVID-19, the Carrier may disembark, refuse re-boarding after a shore excursion, or quarantine You as well as Your traveling companions, or take other steps which the Carrier determines, in its sole discretion, are necessary under the circumstances to protect the health and well-being of others. Under these circumstances, any such Guest who is disembarked, refused re-boarding, or quarantined shall be entitled to a prorated future cruise credit for the unused portion of the Cruise Fare. Each such Guest is responsible for all related costs and fines including, without limitation, consequential travel expense and lodging. Under no circumstances shall the Carrier be liable to any such Guest for any costs, damages or expenses whatsoever incurred by any Guest.

Right to deviate from scheduled route, change port of embarkation/disembarkation, substitute transportation, cancel cruise & activities, & change or omit ports of call; substitution

Except as otherwise provided, Carrier may, for any reason, without prior notice, cancel the cruise; deviate from the scheduled ports of call, route and timetable; call or omit to call at any port or place or cancel or modify any activity on or off the vessel; comply with all governmental laws and orders given by governmental authorities; render assistance to preserve life and property; or change the date or time of sailing or arrival, change the port of embarkation or disembarkation, shorten the Cruise or substitute vessels, aircraft or other transportation or lodging. Accordingly, You should not make any important arrangements or meetings based on the scheduled Cruise, which may change without liability to Carrier.  Furthermore, the Captain of the vessel as well as the operator of any other means of transportation may, in his/her sole discretion, take any action deemed necessary for the safety, security, comfort, or well-being of any person or to prevent damage to or loss of the vessel.

In the case of mechanical failures that cause the scheduled cruise to be cancelled, You are entitled to a full refund of the Cruise Fare and the Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses; or for mechanical failures that cause a cruise to be terminated early, a partial refund of the Cruise Fare and any unused Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses, travel expense to transport You to the scheduled port of disembarkation or Your home city at Carrier's discretion, and overnight lodging if an unscheduled stopover is required.

You shall have no claim against Carrier, and Carrier shall not be liable for damages or a refund of the Cruise Fare, any portion thereof, or other payment, compensation or credit of any kind; nor for hotel or meal charges, travel expenses or other loss, delay, inconvenience, disappointment or expense whatsoever, which shall be the Guest's responsibility, whenever the cancellation or change was otherwise beyond Carrier's exclusive control. Carrier's non liability extends without limitation to any of those causes described in Section 17(B) (including, but not limited to, orders by governmental agencies restricting travel due to declared epidemics, pandemics, public health emergencies or outbreak of communicable disease, quarantines, national or regional emergencies) and/or inclement weather; health, medical or environmental considerations; labor, political or social disturbances or unrest; or operational, commercial or safety reasons; or was based on a good faith belief by the Carrier or the vessel's Captain that the Cruise or any portion thereof might endanger the vessel or expose any person or property to loss, injury, damage or delay. Except as provided above for mechanical failures, whenever the performance of the Cruise is hindered or prevented by any cause or circumstance whatsoever, the Cruise may be terminated and You may be landed with no further liability of the Carrier for refund, payment, compensation or credit of any kind except where a refund is required by law as a result of a declaration of a public health emergency or government order cancelling the cruise in question or delaying travel for more than 24 hours.

If, and only when, the cancellation or change was for reasons other than described in the preceding paragraph, and was within the exclusive control of Carrier, You agree the liability of the Carrier, if any, shall nonetheless be limited as follows:

  1. If Carrier cancels the Cruise before it has started, it shall refund the Cruise Fare (less any air or accommodation charges incurred) and the Taxes, Fees & Port Expenses.
  2. If the sailing is delayed and You are not accommodated on board the vessel, Carrier may arrange accommodations and food at no additional expense to You.
  3. If the scheduled port of embarkation or disembarkation for a Cruise is changed, Carrier shall arrange transportation to it from the originally scheduled port.
  4. If the Cruise is terminated or ends early Carrier, at its option, may issue a cruise credit, make a proportionate refund of Your Cruise Fare, transfer You to another vessel or transport You to the scheduled final port.
  5. If You pay the Carrier an amount above the Cruise Fare for a shore excursion or other activity that is cancelled, You will be limited to a refund, if any, of the amount paid for the cancelled activity.

Under no circumstances shall the Carrier be or become liable for consequential or other damages of any kind sustained by any Guest except as expressly provided herein.

Your responsibility to inform carrier of special needs

Due to the risks inherent in travel by sea, as described in Section 3 of this Passage Contract, if You have any special medical, physical or other requirements, You, Your travel advisor, or any person booking on Your behalf is requested to inform Carrier in writing at the time of booking of any special need or other condition for which You or any other person in Your care may require medical attention or accommodation during the Cruise, or for which the use of a wheelchair or service animal is contemplated or necessary. If any such special need or condition arises after You have booked the Cruise, You are requested to report it in writing to Carrier as soon as You become aware of it. Guests acknowledge and understand that certain international, foreign or local safety requirements, standards, and/or applicable regulations involving design, construction or operation of the vessel, docks, gangways, anchorages or other facilities on or off the vessel may restrict access to facilities or activities for persons with disabilities. Guests requiring the use of a wheelchair must provide their own as Carrier's wheelchairs carried on board the vessel are for emergency medical use only. You acknowledge and agree that Carrier may disembark or refuse to embark You or anyone under Your care as set forth in Section 4 above.  In limited situations where You would be unable to satisfy certain specified safety and other criteria, even when provided with appropriate auxiliary aids and services, we reserve the right to refuse permission to participate in all or part of the Cruise.

Persons with disabilities traveling on Carrier’s vessel should refer to the “Accessible Cruising” portion of the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Carrier's website for more information about policies, procedures, aides, and services for guests with disabilities.

In addition to the specific representations required of Guest regarding COVID-19, Guest warrants that Guest and Guest’s traveling companions are physically and emotionally fit to travel at the time of embarkation, and further warrants that such Guests have no medical or emotional condition that would endanger any Guest or crew member or result in a deviation of the voyage.  The Carrier recommends that any Guest who is not self-sufficient travel with a companion who shall take responsibility for any assistance needed during the voyage.

No animals

No pets or other animals are allowed on the vessel at any time except for certain necessary service animals of a Guest with a disability, which require written notification to the Carrier at the time of booking Your Cruise and Carrier's written approval. You agree to accept responsibility, reimburse, and/or indemnify Carrier for any loss, damage, or expense whatsoever related to the presence of any service animal brought on the Cruise. You further agree to determine and meet any documentary or other requirements related to the animal.

Unauthorized stopover or disembarkation

Unauthorized stopover or disembarkation or failure to make any sailing of the vessel at any port shall be at Your sole risk and expense. You may be denied subsequent boarding, and You will not be entitled to any refund, payment, compensation or credit of any kind. If You plan to disembark the vessel and/or to off load packages, boxes, or baggage before Your authorized port of call, You must advise the Passenger Services Desk no later than the day before arrival in that port to arrange an inspection of You and/or Your belongings by local customs authorities. Should You fail to comply with this requirement and You and/or Your belongings are not presented for inspection, You may be assessed monetary penalties by local authorities. Furthermore, You agree to assume and/or reimburse Carrier for any expenses or fines that may be incurred as a result of such noncompliance. You acknowledge that for round trip cruises commencing in a country that stop in other ports of that country, You may visit but may not permanently disembark in any port in that country other than the port of embarkation.  If You do disembark in a different port in that country, a fine or penalty may be imposed by that country’s government.  In consideration of the fare paid, You hereby agree to pay any such fine or penalty imposed because of Your failure to complete the entire Cruise.

Responsibility to comply with law & regulations, rules of vessel; no solicitation

You shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of all immigration, port, health, customs, and police authorities, and all other laws and regulations of each country or state from or to which You will travel, as well as this Passage Contract. You must at all times obey all the policies (including the Carrier’s COVID-19 Guest Protocols), rules, regulations and orders of the vessel, Carrier, and the Captain. You shall not solicit other Guests for commercial purposes or advertise goods or services without Carrier's prior written permission. You may be disembarked without liability for refund, payment, compensation, or credit of any kind if You or any Guest for whom You are responsible violate any of these requirements, and You agree to assume and/or reimburse Carrier for any expenses or fines that may be incurred as a result of such noncompliance.

Compliance with carrier's environmental policy

Carrier is committed to protecting the environment and You must adhere to the Carrier’s environmental policy as follows: Any dumping or pollution of any kind, including discharge or loss of any item, including personal items,  into the ocean and/or waterways is strictly prohibited.  You will be strictly liable for any illegal dumping or pollution. Any willful or negligent act of discharging, or releasing or not preventing any unauthorized item overboard, without the express permission of the vessel’s onboard staff may result in a US $500 charge, per violation, posted to Your onboard account.  Additionally, You will be charged the reimbursement cost of any unauthorized discharged property belonging to the Carrier, and such charge will be posted to Your onboard account. You shall also be responsible for any fines or penalties imposed on the Carrier by any government, governmental agency or official, port or port official, or for expenses or losses caused or incurred for Your violation of the Carrier’s environmental policy.  Violation of this policy may result in You being reported to the authorities and Your disembarkation from the vessel.  If You are disembarked for violating the Carrier’s environmental policy, You will be responsible for all financial charges and expenses to return home, and no refund of Your unused cruise fare will be provided.  Additionally, Your privileges to sail with the Carrier in the future may be revoked at the discretion of the Carrier.

Health, medical care & other personal services

Due to the nature of travel by sea and the ports visited, the availability of medical care may be limited or delayed and emergency medical evacuation will not be possible from every location to which the vessel sails. All health, medical or other personal services in connection with Your Cruise are provided solely for the convenience and benefit of Guests who may be charged for such services. You accept and use medicine, medical treatment and other personal services available on the vessel or elsewhere at Your sole risk and expense without liability or responsibility of Carrier whatsoever, and agree to indemnify the Carrier for all medical or evacuation costs or expenses incurred on Your behalf. Doctors, nurses or other medical or service personnel work directly for Guest and shall not be considered to be acting under the control or supervision of Carrier, since Carrier is not a medical provider. Carrier does not undertake to supervise the medical expertise of any such medical personnel and will not be liable for the consequences of any examination, advice, diagnosis, medication, treatment, prognosis or other professional services which a doctor or nurse may or may not furnish You.  Similarly, and without limitation, all spa personnel, instructors, guest lecturers, entertainers and other service personnel shall be considered independent contractors who work directly for the Guest.  Carrier strongly recommends that all Guests travel with a sufficient supply of their prescription medications to last fourteen (14) days beyond the scheduled conclusion of the Cruise.

Baggage & personal effects, liability limitations, inspection

You may take a reasonable amount of luggage on board containing only Your personal effects, which shall include suitcases, trunks, valises, satchels, bags, hangers containing clothing, toiletries and other personal effects necessary for the Cruise. If You travel by air or other transportation the terms and conditions of the airline or other transportation provider apply to Your carriage on those conveyances. You may not take on board firearms, controlled or prohibited substances, inflammable or hazardous items, any other items prohibited by applicable law, or any other item Carrier deems in its sole discretion to be detrimental to the safety, security, comfort or well-being of any person. A complete list of prohibited items may be found on the Princess website. This list is subject to change without notice; You should contact Carrier for questions regarding the potential prohibition of any other item.  You agree Carrier has, at all times with or without notice, the right to enter and search Your stateroom, personal safe or storage spaces, or to search You, Your baggage and/or personal effects at any location.

You agree that Carrier's liability for loss or damage to baggage is limited to US $250 per bag per Guest up to a maximum of two (2) bags per Guest for sailings 14 days or less and up to a maximum of three (3) bags per Guest for sailings 15 days or longer.  An excess limit of up to a total of US $1,500 or US $3,000 per Guest is available with the purchase of Princess Vacation Plan or Princess Platinum Vacation Protection, respectively, upon presentation of a claim by You to the plan administrator. In no event shall Carrier be liable for normal wear or tear of Your property or baggage. Carrier does not undertake to carry as baggage any tools of trade, household goods, fragile or valuable items, precious metals, jewelry, documents, negotiable instruments or other valuables, including but not limited to those specified in section 30503 of Title 46 of the United States Code. You warrant that no such items will be presented to Carrier within any receptacle or container as baggage, and release Carrier from all liability whatsoever for loss of or damage to such items when presented to the Carrier in breach of this warranty. Such items must be shipped to Your destination by other means. Guests are strongly urged to keep valuables, irreplaceable items and medicines in their possession at all times and not to pack such items in baggage or suitcases handled by others.

Carrier shall not be liable for any loss or theft of or damage to or disposition of cash, securities, negotiable instruments, jewelry, gold, silver or similar valuables or precious stones, works of art, electronics, computers (whether handheld, laptop or other), DVD/Blu-ray players or digital or flash drive computer equipment, disks, memory cards or other electronic storage, handheld or similar devices, cellular telephones, cameras, video or audio tapes, CDs, binoculars, recreational equipment, dental hardware, cosmetics, electric hair appliances, liquids, luggage locks, eyewear (including eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses), hearing aids, medications, medical equipment, wheelchairs, scooters, liquor or other alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, tobacco products or business or other documents under any circumstances, whether carried within Your luggage or otherwise. You may use the safe in Your stateroom. However, You agree use of the stateroom safe will not increase Carrier's liability as provided in this Passage Contract.

You agree that baggage or property, including all lost and found items retained by Carrier or delivered by You to Carrier, which remains unclaimed in writing for more than 90 days after Your disembarkation shall be deemed abandoned and the sole property of Carrier and You relinquish any claim thereto. You further agree to pay all fees and expenses incurred by Carrier to deliver any such items that are claimed by You. Carrier assumes no responsibility whatsoever for otherwise delivering any such items or delivering items that are prohibited by law.

Limitations on Carrier's liability; indemnification

  1. General: Nothing contained in this Passage Contract shall limit or deprive Carrier of the benefit of the applicable statutes or laws of the United States of America or any other country; or any international convention providing for release from, or limitation of, liability.
  2. Acts Beyond Carrier's Control, Force Majeure: Except as provided in Section 8 with regard to refunds and certain other expenses for cruises that are cancelled or terminated due to mechanical failures, Carrier is not liable for death, injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss to person or property of any kind caused by an act of God; epidemic; pandemic; disease outbreak; public health crisis; natural disasters; inability to procure fuel and/or provisions; port and/or airport closures; acts of civil or military authority; acts, regulations, or laws of any government; government order or regulation; war; civil commotions; labor trouble; terrorism, crime or other potential sources of harm; governmental interference; perils of the sea; fire; seizure or arrest of the vessel; the need to render medical or other assistance, or any other cause beyond Carrier's exclusive control, or any other act or omission not shown to be caused by Carrier's negligence.
  3. Claims for Emotional Distress: Carrier shall not be liable to the Guest for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury of any kind, under any circumstances, except for such damages proven in a court of competent jurisdiction arising from and attributable to Guest's physical injury or as the result of Guest having been at actual risk of immediate physical injury proximately caused by Carrier's negligence ("Emotional Harm").
  4. Assumption of Risk: You agree that by using the vessel's pools, sauna, athletic or recreational equipment and facilities or taking part in organized group or individual activities, whether on or off the vessel or as part of a shore excursion, You assume the risk of injury, death, illness or other loss. You agree that Carrier in no event is liable to You with respect to any occurrence taking place off the vessel, launches, tenders or other craft owned or operated by Carrier or for any event caused by the criminal conduct of any third party.
  5. Cruises To/From or Within the EU or EEA: On international cruises which neither embark, disembark nor call at any U.S. port and where You commence the cruise by embarking or disembarking in a port of a European Union Member State or the European Economic Area (EEA), Carrier shall be entitled to any and all liability limitations and immunities for loss of or damage to luggage, death and/or personal injury as provided under EU Regulation 392/2009 on the liability of carriers to passengers in the event of accidents. Unless the loss or damage was caused by a shipping incident, which is defined as a shipwreck, capsizing, collision or stranding of the vessel, explosion or fire in the vessel, or defect in the vessel (as defined by the Regulation), Carrier's liability is limited to no more than 400,000 Special Drawing Rights ("SDR") per passenger, (approximately US $551,000 as of March 2020, which fluctuates depending on the daily exchange rate as published by the International Monetary Fund if the passenger proves that the incident was a result of Carrier's fault or neglect. If the loss or damage was caused by a shipping incident, Carrier's liability is limited to no more than 250,000 SDRs per passenger (approximately U.S. $345,000 as of March 2020, which fluctuates depending on the daily exchange rate as published by the International Monetary Fund. Compensation for loss caused by a shipping incident can increase to a maximum of 400,000 SDRs per passenger unless Carrier proves that the shipping incident occurred without Carrier's fault or neglect. Shipping incidents do not include acts of war, hostilities, civil war, insurrection, natural disasters, or intentional acts or omissions of third parties. In cases where the loss or damage was caused in connection with war or terrorism, Carrier's liability for any personal injury or death (whether occurring during a shipping incident or a non-shipping incident) is limited to the lower of 250,000 SDRs per passenger or 340 million SDRs per vessel per incident. Punitive damages are not recoverable for cruises covered by EU Regulation 392/2009. For a copy of EU Regulation 392/2009, please visit the website for the Official Journal of the European Union. In addition, Guests embarking a cruise in a European Union Member State port are afforded rights under EU Regulation 1177/2010.  For a copy of EU Regulation 1177/2010, please visit the website for the Official Journal of the European Union.
  6. Additional Limitations from Liability: In addition to all the restrictions and exemptions from liability provided in this Passage Contract, Carrier shall have the benefit of all the statutes of the United States of America providing for limitation and exoneration from liability and the procedures provided thereby, including but not limited to Title 46 of the United States Code sections 30501 through 30509, and 30511, which are United States statutes limiting the liability of Carrier. Nothing in this Contract is intended to nor shall it operate to limit or deprive Carrier or any such statutory limitation of or exoneration from liability under any applicable laws.
  7. Excursions, Shoreside Services and Other Transportation: All travel facilities, tours, activities, products or services, other than aboard Carrier’s vessels and tenders or motorcoaches, dayboats and/or railcars owned or operated by us, provided in connection with, before, after or during Your Cruise, including but not limited to pre and post cruise activities, shore excursions, hotel accommodations, meals, or transportation of any kind by any vessel, aircraft, or other conveyance, including, but not limited to, air travel to and from the vessel, are provided, owned and/or operated by independent contractors whose employees, facilities, conveyances, products and services are not subject to Carrier's supervision or control. In providing or selling reservations or tickets in connection with any such activities, services or transportation or by accompanying You during such activities, Carrier does so as a convenience to Guests and shall be entitled to impose a charge and earn a profit from the sale of such excursions, services or transportation, but does not undertake to supervise or control such independent contractors or their employees, conveyances or facilities. Carrier accepts no liability for any loss, delay, damage, injury, death, misrepresentation arising from any excursion, service or transportation or any loss, delay or disappointment for any cancellations of any excursion, service or transportation including but not limited to air flight cancellation(s), errors in seat reservation, upgrade, overbooking or ticketing. Carrier makes no warranty, either express or implied, regarding the suitability, safety, insurance or other aspects of any such contractors, transportation, tours, services, products or facilities. Any liability for such services will be governed by this Passage Contract and the contracts and/or tariffs between You and such service companies. You agree that Carrier's liability, if any, for Non-Performance of any independent contractor providing such facilities or services shall not exceed the amounts received for such facility or services by Carrier on Your behalf. Any company or person providing services or facilities of any kind in connection with a shore excursion or other activity offered for purchase by Carrier shall have the benefit of every defense to which Carrier is entitled under this Passage Contract.
  8. Indemnification: In addition to the requirements of Section 13, above, pertaining to Carrier’s environmental policy, You agree to reimburse and indemnify Carrier for any damages, liabilities, losses, penalties, fines, charges or expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred by You or imposed upon Carrier as a result of any act, omission or violation of law or this Passage Contract by You or any minor or other Guest in Your care.